Enjoy this quick and somewhat painless (jk expect to be shaking) booty burner w/ Rachel. Once again she's bringing the heat with no props necessary. (9 minutes)
Up Next in New This Month!
The Yamas- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Jill (Leve...
There are 5 yamas that are the first limb of the 8 Limbed Path of Yoga. They are known as restraints that we have with ourselves to help us reach our full potential. Each yama has a posture and hand mudra associated with it. See if you can pick up and connect each one with it's corresponding yama...
Lunch Break Hips & Back w/ Purvi (All...
Welcome to Invoke On Demand's Lunch Break series. Today we have a short and sweet movement sequence designed to loosen up the hips and lower back. A desk or a wall will be utilized as well. Enjoy your break! (12 minutes)
Lunch Break Body Scan & Breath w/ Pur...
Welcome to Invoke On Demand's Lunch Break Series. Today is all about connecting to your breath and becoming aware of the body. We slow down and become just a little more mindful. Now let's ground down during our break. (21 minutes)