Vinyasa, a style of yoga, is a flowing sequence of asanas that ties movement with breath. Invoke’s dynamic vinyasa focuses on the flow, strength and power of the practice. This class focuses on the 4rd chakra, the heart chakra. We'll explore a fun flow building to a peak space of bow, to bridge, to wheel! (58 minutes)
Spotify: Mazirkelbach13
Up Next in Feel the Love!!
Compassion Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Broo...
Brooke does it again with another killer flow today. We begin with finding the breath and then making our way into core and side body strengthening. Sun salutations follow with lots of poses that will take us low and high. We finish with some deep stretching for the hips in lizard and pigeon pose...
Anahata Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne ...
Recorded live in our downtown studios, today we find our focus on Anahata, the heart chakra. We'll find triangles, reverse warriors, figure 4's and dancers, all leading up to pincha play and L leg handstands. Your heart is bound to feel full and open after this class. (1 hr, 16 mins.)