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New Videos!

3 Seasons

In this series, you will find updated videos from all your favorite Invoke instructors. Check in often to see what's new!

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New Videos!
  • Shoulder Strength & Pincha Play- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Megan Z. (Level 2)

    Episode 1

    Join us today in this LIVE recording of Megan's shoulder strengthening and playful class. A block will be handy to have for half moon and for pincha mayurasana. Megan's classes are always filled with joy, playfulness, and strength. Good vibes only in this class. Enjoy. (1 hour)

  • Grounding Meditation w/ Jill (All levels)

    Episode 2

    Join Jill in today's meditation session with a focus on grounding. In uncertain and chaotic times, it's important to stay grounded and rooted in our truth. Make that you are as comfortable as possible either seated or laying down with support as we will be breathing and focusing for around 15 min...