Mandala Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Megan Z. (Level 2)
60 Minutes
We bring our bodies circular movements today with Megan's mandala flow. Mandala is sanskit for circle and is an artistic representation of higher thought and deeper meaning given as a geometric symbol used to in emotional, psychological, and spiritual work to focus one's attention. Hopping to crow will be today's play time with Megan serving up her typical funky fun flows. Enjoy! (59 minutes)
Up Next in 60 Minutes
Practicing Gratitude- Vinyasa Yoga w/...
Join Jill and Tess as they guild us through this well rounded flow with a theme of gratitude. We'll explore all the Warrior asanas, balancing postures as well as opportunities for arms balances if that peaks your interest. Be sure to have a block handy to elevate the floor closer to you. (1 hour)
Bird Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Jill (Leve...
Join Jill in her second class focusing on the bird asanas and practicing non-attachment. Sometimes things in life don't work out they way we thought they would. By practicing Aparigraha, we remember that life is fleeting and we don't need to give power to things outside of our control. From crow ...
Spicy Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
The Queen of arm balances, Invoke's own Yvonne serves us another one of her powerful flows. She's dishing out all the goodies with opportunities for astavakrasana, pincha mayurasana, and compass pose, parivrtta surya yantrasana! A block will be handy for today's practice as well as being near a w...