Join Todd Gulizia for a playful heart opening flow that will build you to forearm stand, Pincha Mayurasana. Many twists and lunges will be found as well as work for the arms to build strength to support the body while finding forearm stand. (34 minutes)
Spotify: Todd Gulizia
Up Next in Feel the Love!!
Heart Opening Binds- Vinyasa Yoga w/ ...
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2 with Erin Morgan is suitable for all levels. This yoga class offers an athletic style flow with specific emphasis on alignment and form. (57 minutes)
Focus of the class: dancers pose and bound half moon
Spotify: Erin Morgan Smith
You may want a block for half moon.
Heart Opening and Binds- Vinyasa Yoga...
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2 with Megan Zirkelbach. This class focuses on shoulder and heart opening working towards bound half moon, birds of paradise, and wide leg head stand! Megan will present different options for the less experienced student and for the advanced yogi. (57 minutes)
You may need a...
4th Chakra- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Megan Z. ...
Vinyasa, a style of yoga, is a flowing sequence of asanas that ties movement with breath. Invoke’s dynamic vinyasa focuses on the flow, strength and power of the practice. This class focuses on the 4rd chakra, the heart chakra. We'll explore a fun flow building to a peak space of bow, to bridge, ...