Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2 with Yvonne Rodriguez is suitable for all levels. This yoga class offers an athletic style flow with with the option to explore more challenging variations. Warrior 3 and ardha chandra chapasana variations will be explored. (1 hour)
Focus of the class: shoulders and hamstrings
Spotify: Yvonne Rodriguez
You may need a block for half moon pose.
Spotify: Yvonne Rodriguez
Up Next in Inversion Journey
Hit it Hard- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Erin M. ...
Erin guilds us through a 30 minute practice today. We begin right away in tadasana, moving through some simple sun salutations, then we bump it up a notch with chairs, boats, twists, and gates. This practice is not to be missed. (32 minutes)
You may need a block for this practice.Spotify: Erin...
Handstand Tutorial- Inversion Yoga Pr...
Join Megan for a fun handstand tutorial! She'll take you through a warm up, quick flow, then get into those L handstand hops. Enjoy! (11 minutes)
30 minute Hips and Hamstrings- Vinyas...
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2 - All levels are welcome. Megan will present different options for the less experienced student and for the advanced yogi. Vinyasa, a style of yoga, is a flowing sequence of asanas that ties movement with breath. Invoke’s dynamic vinyasa focuses on the flow, strength and po...