Fierce Strength- Pilates Mat with Weights w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Yvonne Rodriguez
30 minute full body burn with the fierce, Yvonne!
Buckle up and get down to business!!
Be sure to have some hand weights suited to your needs.
(30 minutes)
Up Next in Yvonne Rodriguez
Anahata Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne ...
Recorded live in our downtown studios, today we find our focus on Anahata, the heart chakra. We'll find triangles, reverse warriors, figure 4's and dancers, all leading up to pincha play and L leg handstands. Your heart is bound to feel full and open after this class. (1 hr, 16 mins.)
Spicy Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
The Queen of arm balances, Invoke's own Yvonne serves us another one of her powerful flows. She's dishing out all the goodies with opportunities for astavakrasana, pincha mayurasana, and compass pose, parivrtta surya yantrasana! A block will be handy for today's practice as well as being near a w...
Destination Nowhere- Vinyasa Yoga w/ ...
We find strength with pistol squats and Warrior 3's in Yvonne's class today. The vibe was awesome, yet chill as we settled into the mindset of a Sunday driver. No where to be, no destination in mind, just going where the road leads. Have a block with you for your journey as we'll be incorporating...