Yvonne Rodriguez
Yvonne’s journey began in 2005 when a friend insisted she attend a Yoga class with her. From that first experience on the mat, her passion for Yoga was born. Since then, she has been drawn towards both the spiritual and physical components of yoga and the constant challenges that it provides her. Yvonne completed her first training in 2009 with Christina Sell. Relocating to Indianapolis from Texas, Yvonne utilized the lessons learned on her mat to aid in her transition to this beautiful city where she completed her second 200 hr training under Eric Bryant and Ahna Hoke. Yoga has become a fundamental way of life for her, allowing an outlet to cope with one's daily struggles. Yvonne believes that anyone can benefit from practicing yoga whether it be to heal a physical ailment or provide guidance for one’s life toward a positive transformation and enlightenment. Her style cultivates a playful environment where movement with breath and the yoking of body, mind, and spirit are encouraged.
Core Quickie- Pilates Mat w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Join Yvonne for a 10 minute Core blast. The first 5 minutes will be done on the back in flexion, and then moves into a "plank party." Perfect to add after a run, after a class, or if you have just 10 minutes to move your body. (14 1/2 minutes)
Forearm Stand- Yoga Inversion Practice w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
Join Yvonne for a Forearm Stand (pincha mayurasana) tutorial. She'll guide you through stretches to open up the shoulders, strengthening exercises to prepare you for this inversion, and cues to get into this awesome pose. (8 minutes)
30 minute Power- Pilates Mat with Weights w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
Join Yvonne for a 30 minute strength class! You'll need a set of medium to heavy weights and will work the entire body in this class. (30 minutes)
Spotify: Yvonne Rodriguez
Playlist: 30minutestrength -
30 minute Strength- Pilates Mat with Weights w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Join Yvonne for a short,but fiery strength class! You'll need a set of medium to heavy weights and will work the entire body in this class. ( 30 minutes)
Spotify: Yvonne Rodriguez
Playlist: 30minutestrength -
Crown Chakra Flow to Headstand- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
60 minute Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2. Yvonne will present different options for the less experienced student and for the advanced yogi. Vinyasa, a style of yoga, is a flowing sequence of asanas that ties movement with breath. Invoke’s dynamic vinyasa focuses on the flow, strength and power of the pra...
Forearm Stand & Crow Variations- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2/3 - This class is recommended for the intermediate to advanced practitioner and will include more challenging postures including inversions. Students flow through the rigorous class working towards more challenging postures. Teachers will offer progressive pose construction...
Beginners Slow Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 1)
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 1 with Yvonne Rodriguez. This is a basic or slower paced class that is perfect for beginners or those that prefer a slow flow. Designed for the new yogi or for the experienced student who is interested in a deeper understanding of the poses. This class builds to half moon pos...
Glutes & Backbends- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
60 minute Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2. Yvonne will present different options for the less experienced student and for the advanced yogi. Vinyasa, a style of yoga, is a flowing sequence of asanas that ties movement with breath. Invoke’s dynamic vinyasa focuses on the flow, strength and power of the pra...
Backbends & Core- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2 with Yvonne Rodriguez is suitable for all levels. This yoga class offers an athletic style flow with specific emphasis on alignment and form. (1 hour)
Focus of the class: heart openers focusing on activating the core and legs
You may want to have a strap handy and at leas...
Shoulders and Hamstrings- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2 with Yvonne Rodriguez is suitable for all levels. This yoga class offers an athletic style flow with with the option to explore more challenging variations. Warrior 3 and ardha chandra chapasana variations will be explored. (1 hour)
Focus of the class: shoulders and hamstr...
Bind Variations- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Yvonne will lead the way today in a class that will include fun bound arm variations such as humble warrior 2, chapasana, and a funky down dog. Goddesses, Warriors, and skandasanas will be plentiful as well as opportunities to find arm balance play. (30 minutes)
Spotify: Yvonne Rodriguez
Power and Poise- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2 - Invoke’s dynamic vinyasa focuses on the flow, strength and power of the practice.
This sequence will allow you to work to build strength in the core to help with arm balances and inversions. From hamstring folds to triangles, and core work to crow, we got it all in this ... -
Thoracic Mobility- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
Vinyasa Yoga - Level 2. Vinyasa, a style of yoga, is a flowing sequence of asanas that ties movement with breath. Invoke’s dynamic vinyasa focuses on the flow, strength and power of the practice. This class focuses on core strength and thoracic mobility. ( 1 hour )
Spotify: Yvonne Rodriguez
Vinyasa Foundations- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 1)
In this slower paced class, Yvonne focuses on the alignment of the poses to give you a strong foundation for your practice. Perfect for beginnings, Yvonne breaks what each pose should feel like energetically, not necessarily what it should look like. Warrior 2 and Peaceful Warrior will be found a...
Energizing Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 1/2)
From chairs and eagle binds, this full body, all levels vinyasa flow leaving you feeling nourished, energized and heart centered! (31 minutes)
Short & Spicy Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
In true Yvonne fashion, be ready to get down to business with this short & fiery level 2 flow! (31 minutes)
Fierce Strength- Pilates Mat with Weights w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
30 minute full body burn with the fierce, Yvonne!
Buckle up and get down to business!!
Be sure to have some hand weights suited to your needs.
(30 minutes) -
Anahata Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
Recorded live in our downtown studios, today we find our focus on Anahata, the heart chakra. We'll find triangles, reverse warriors, figure 4's and dancers, all leading up to pincha play and L leg handstands. Your heart is bound to feel full and open after this class. (1 hr, 16 mins.)
Spicy Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
The Queen of arm balances, Invoke's own Yvonne serves us another one of her powerful flows. She's dishing out all the goodies with opportunities for astavakrasana, pincha mayurasana, and compass pose, parivrtta surya yantrasana! A block will be handy for today's practice as well as being near a w...
Destination Nowhere- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
We find strength with pistol squats and Warrior 3's in Yvonne's class today. The vibe was awesome, yet chill as we settled into the mindset of a Sunday driver. No where to be, no destination in mind, just going where the road leads. Have a block with you for your journey as we'll be incorporating...
Strength w/ Resistance- Full Body Strengthening w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
We got a fun one to begin our 12 Days of Yoga Challenge! Yvonne serves us some serious strength building with this fun class. A resistance band will be a great addition or even some light weights (soup cans also work!). This class is meant to help build strength for both yoga and pilates classes....
Fire Hydrant Pose- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
Hip openers will be found in today's class with lots of playtime for fire hydrant pose and eka pada koundinyasana 2, flying splits pose. Two blocks will be useful as well as an open mind and strong determination. (33 minutes)
Balance and Stability- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)
From two legs to one and everywhere in between, we seek stability in the transitions and curiosity in the balance. Lots of focus on the core and hip stabilizers to find our roots and greet the challenge with ease. Blocks are always good to have on hand as we flow into half moon pose. (1 hour)
Handstand Play- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
Handstands are what the yoga dealer has in store for us today. Yvonne will guild us through a slow and sweaty flow that builds up to handstands from a low lunge. Lot's of room to play with one legged reverse table tops, forward folds, half moons and all the vinyasa's you could ask for. (76 minutes)