Precision Focus- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (Level 2)
60 Minutes
Join Glenna as we focus on the pilates principle of Precision, the sustaining of awareness throughout each movement. This means the body performs each movement and step in a deliberate manner with specific shapes and cues for each exercise. This is crucial when it comes to breaking bad habits and harmful movement patters. With the assistance of small props, a block and light weights, Glenna gives us a fun and creative workout. (58 minutes)
Up Next in 60 Minutes
Moon Flow Variation- Vinyasa Yoga w/ ...
Vinyasa Yoga Level 1/2 with Alexa Halstead. Alexa will guide you through a slow moon flow with a lot of juicy hip openers. (59 minutes)
Spotify: Alexa Catherine Halstead
Yin Yoga w/ Allison (Level 1)
Yin Yoga is accessible to anyone, including beginners. Poses, held between 3 and 5 minutes, are done mostly on the floor and target the deep connective tissue concentrated in the major joints of the body. Yin yoga helps rejuvenate connective tissues, improve circulation, and bring joints back to ...
Spine and Twists- Yin Yoga w/ Allison...
Yin Yoga is accessible to anyone, including beginners. Poses, held between 3 and 5 minutes, are done mostly on the floor and target the deep connective tissue concentrated in the major joints of the body. Yin yoga helps rejuvenate connective tissues, improve circulation, and bring joints back to ...