Mid-Day Full Body Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Brittany K. (Level 1/2)
Level 1/2
This 30-minute practice is the perfect sequence to get you out of your (work)day and into your body. Move through some simple flows as you build to a bound version of pyramid pose, Parsvottanasana. This class is appropriate for newer practitioners familiar with basic postures (down dog, warrior 2, forward fold, etc). (31 minutes)
Up Next in Level 1/2
Balance back, Balance up- Vinyasa Yog...
Full body flow, building up to stepping back and forward through leg balances. With a longer leg balance sequence at the end! (1 hour 4 minutes)
Slow & Steady- Vinyasa Flow w/ Stacey...
This is a great all-levels flow that focuses on moving slowly and really sinking deep into the poses. Don't let the level 1/2 fool you! Asanas like Warrior 2, Peaceful Warrior, and Crescent lunge will be held with balance and poise. (34 minutes)
Inversions- Yoga Anatomy Class #4 w/ ...
As we tie information from parts 1 through 3 together, you will be introduced to a few more challenging postures. The invitation is to use your new vocab, drill, and prop knowledge to feel your way into an inversion or two! Remember to always listen to your body. If you have a neck or spine injur...