Level 1/2

Level 1/2

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Level 1/2
  • All Around Sculpt- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (Level 1/2)

    Express Pilates Mat - Hip/Thigh Focused (No props needed). This class is an express version of traditional intermediate Pilates exercises with an emphasis on the three anchors of the abdominal muscles, inner thighs and glutes. This is a perfect class to do when you're on the go, before work, or n...

  • Express Workout- Pilates Mat w/ Maria (Level 1/2)

    In this class, Maria focuses on the basic pilates principles for a total body workout, express style! We begin with the core to stabilize the body, then onto leg work, planks, and standing work. This class is perfect for when you need a quick workout while you're away on business, have a short lu...

  • Abs and Arms- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (Level 1/2)

    Join Glenna for an express version of traditional intermediate Pilates exercises with a focus on using the abdominal muscles to create trunk stability and flowing movement in the body. Class ends with the standing arm series. (32 minutes)

    Props needed: two light hand-weights, hand towel or strap).

  • Total Body- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (Level 1/2)

    Pilates Mat - Level 1/2 with Glenna Asmus. This class focuses on the basic pilates principles and will work the entire body. ( 1 hr, 1 min. )

    You will need a strap or a towel.

  • Total Body- Pilates Mat w/ Maria (Level 1/2)

    This class focuses on the basic pilates principles, with the assistance of small props for a fun and creative workout. Our open level classes are tailored to challenge a variety of fitness levels, so all are welcome! (53 minutes)

    You'll need two 2-3 lb weights or equally weighted objects.

  • Classical Pilates w/ Glenna (Level 1/2)

    Pilates Mat - This class focuses on the basic Pilates principles and is open to all levels. Focus on rolling out the spine, abdominal strength and hip/glute work. No props necessary for this class. Just you and your mat! (54 minutes)

  • Concentration Focus- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (Level 1/2)

    Pilates Mat - Level 1/2 - This class focuses on the basic pilates principles, with the assistance of small props for a fun and creative workout. Our open level classes are tailored to challenge a variety of fitness levels, so all are welcome! (1 hr, 8 mins.)

  • Centering Focus- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (Level 1/2)

    Pilates Mat - Level 1/2 - This class focuses on the pilates principle of Centering with the assistance of small props for a fun and creative workout. (1 hr, 1 min.)

  • Control Focus- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (level 1/2)

    Pilates Mat - Level 1/2 - This class focuses on the pilates principle of control, with the assistance of small props for a fun and creative workout. ( 1 hour)

  • Express Arm Workout- Pilates Mat w/ Glenna (level 1/2)

    A quick Pilates arm workout. All you'll need is a set of light hand weights or objects of equal weight as a substitute. (19 minutes)

  • Primal Pattern Variations- Original Strength Program w/ Todd (Level 1/2)

    This practice offers some fun and unique variations on the standard developmental movement patterns outlined in the Original Strength system. These ground-based movements allow the nervous system to relax so the body can move more efficiently. The can subsequently improve posture, mobility, coord...

  • Slow Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Ally (Level 1/2)

    Vinyasa Yoga - Level 1/2 - This is a basic or slower paced class that is perfect for beginners or those that prefer a slow flow. Although this class will move with a flow, it will be a slower flow so the student has ample time to move into and out of the pose effectively keeping the stability tha...

  • Twisty Spine- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Ally ( Level 1/2)

    Vinyasa Yoga - Level 1/2 - This is a basic or slower paced class that is perfect for beginners or those that prefer a slow flow. Although this class will move with a flow, it will be a slower flow so the student has ample time to move into and out of the pose effectively keeping the stability tha...

  • Energizing Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 1/2)

    From chairs and eagle binds, this full body, all levels vinyasa flow leaving you feeling nourished, energized and heart centered! (31 minutes)

  • Mid-Day Full Body Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Brittany K. (Level 1/2)

    This 30-minute practice is the perfect sequence to get you out of your (work)day and into your body. Move through some simple flows as you build to a bound version of pyramid pose, Parsvottanasana. This class is appropriate for newer practitioners familiar with basic postures (down dog, warrior 2...

  • Balance back, Balance up- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Stacey (Level 1/2)

    Full body flow, building up to stepping back and forward through leg balances. With a longer leg balance sequence at the end! (1 hour 4 minutes)

  • Slow & Steady- Vinyasa Flow w/ Stacey (Level 1/2)

    This is a great all-levels flow that focuses on moving slowly and really sinking deep into the poses. Don't let the level 1/2 fool you! Asanas like Warrior 2, Peaceful Warrior, and Crescent lunge will be held with balance and poise. (34 minutes)

  • Inversions- Yoga Anatomy Class #4 w/ Brittany (Level 1)

    As we tie information from parts 1 through 3 together, you will be introduced to a few more challenging postures. The invitation is to use your new vocab, drill, and prop knowledge to feel your way into an inversion or two! Remember to always listen to your body. If you have a neck or spine injur...

  • Crow Pose Breakdown- Arm Balance Yoga Practice w/ Jill (Level 1/2)

    Have a pillow, bolster, or blanket near by for todays crow pose breakdown. This is among one of the first arm balances that students find. The arms are very compact in this posture, and like eka pada galavasana, the strength from chaturanga dandasana is vital. We got to let go of ego and tap into...

  • Get Outside!- Pilates Warm Up with Glenna (Level 1/2)

    The weather is getting warmer so it's time to get ourselves moving outside! In this 20 minute class, we find that many outdoor activities involve to use of one leg and core strength. Find a chair for some extra stability as well as a ball of some sort, think tennis ball, lacrosse ball and the lik...

  • Strengthen & Soften Prenatal flow w/ Tess ( Level 1/2)

    In this hour long class, Tess will guide you through a practice meant to strengthen, open, and ease the common discomforts of pregnancy. Be prepared to build some heat with standing and balancing postures, modified push ups, squats, and breath work specific for your body. One to two blocks are re...

  • Mobile Hips- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Izzy (Level 1/2)

    Move your body creatively with Izzy this morning to open up the hips. We get into it right away standing, moving different postures to find an awakening of the breath and movement. No props are needed. Just you, your mat, and the sunshine. (23 minutes)

  • Strap Work- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Bekah (Level 1/2)

    Good morning! Today, we join Bekah for a fun half hour with the strap. We'll play with hand to big toe using the strap as an extension of our body. We'll flow through sun salutations, a primary sequence to get those hips and hamstrings ready and then a nice cool down. A yoga strap, belt, or towel...

  • Wake up & Tone Up- Pilates core w/ Elizabeth (Level 1/2)

    Our Rise and Shine Challenge wouldn't be complete without an ab and booty blaster with Elizabeth. We welcome her to the on demand platform with this one. She's bringing the energy and the fire with this quick 20 minute core banger. So get up and get moving this morning. You'll be glad you did. (2...