Balance of the Mind and Body- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Andrea (Level 2)
Level 2
The region around our pelvis are a complex system of intertwined muscles, ligaments and tendons as well as a junk drawer of emotions. Today's flow with focus on the outer hips to strengthen and stretch the gluteus medius, maximus, and iliotibial band (I.T.). (28 minutes)
Up Next in Level 2
Cultivating a Strong Lower Body- Viny...
Yvonne and demo gal Valerie are coming at you with a strong flow with an emphasis on the lower body. Opportunities for side plank variations as well as bow pose, dhanurasana. (1 hour)
Creating Balance- Vinyasa Yoga with Y...
Today we find different ways to cultivate balance not only with our bodies, but with our minds and breath. From drinking bird pose to prayer twist to half moon, you'll be sure to find and create your balance. (31 minutes)
All Around Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Broo...
Finding strength in the lower body and ease with the upper, we connect the two finding harmony within. We find all the good stuff in this flow including twists, hamstring stretching and strengthening, hip flexor lengthening, and deep side body extension. (31 1/2 minutes)