Crown Chakra- Guided Meditation w/ Andrea (Level 1)
10 Minutes
In this 10 minute meditation, we find that opening up the crown chakra can make way for new discoveries and opportunities that we may not have realized or noticed before. Find a comfortable place in your home where it's quiet with little to no outside distractions. Be sure to find comfort in your seated posture as well, utilizing blocks, pillows, bolsters, and blankets so you can sit in stillness and ease. (11 minutes)
Up Next in 10 Minutes
Core Quickie- Pilates Mat w/ Yvonne (...
Join Yvonne for a 10 minute Core blast. The first 5 minutes will be done on the back in flexion, and then moves into a "plank party." Perfect to add after a run, after a class, or if you have just 10 minutes to move your body. (14 1/2 minutes)
10 min Ab Blast- Pilates Mat w/ Morga...
Who doesn't love a quick core burn out? Morgan brings all the goodies in this fast paced killer core class. (12 minutes)
Mindful Breathing- Guided Meditation ...
Connect to your breath and find release from your day with this mindful meditation. Many times throughout our day we find ourselves stressed, anxious, or disconnected. Return to yourself, remember to breathe, and find stillness from within. (11 minutes)