Featured Carousel

  • Shoulder Strength & Pincha Play- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Megan Z. (Level 2)

    Join us today in this LIVE recording of Megan's shoulder strengthening and playful class. A block will be handy to have for half moon and for pincha mayurasana. Megan's classes are always filled with joy, playfulness, and strength. Good vibes only in this class. Enjoy. (1 hour)

  • Feel the Love!!

    9 seasons

    Welcome to the Feel the Love On Demand Challenge! We've curated this series just for you with ALL your favorite Invoke Teachers. Try taking 2 classes per week so you can open the heart space and let the love in! Track your progress with us online! We can't wait to cheer you on. Let's feel and spr...

  • Grounding Meditation w/ Jill (All levels)

    Join Jill in today's meditation session with a focus on grounding. In uncertain and chaotic times, it's important to stay grounded and rooted in our truth. Make that you are as comfortable as possible either seated or laying down with support as we will be breathing and focusing for around 15 min...

  • Get those Glutes- Contemporary Pilates w/ Rachel (Level 1/2)

    Join Rachel as we strengthen the glutes in this quick 12 minute sesh. This will be more of a barre format, so grab something to hold onto and hold on TIGHT. We are working those glutes OUT. A pilates ball, yoga block, or a hoodie stuffed into itself will do just fine. Get ready to feel the burn. ...

  • In Studio (Live Class) Archive

    28 items

    An archive of Invoke's in-studio Yoga classes, recorded live at Invoke Studio, Downtown Indianapolis.

  • Phenomenal Abdominals- Contemporary Pilates w/ Rachel (Level 1/2)

    A pilates ball, some space, and some will power is all that's needed today for this core quickie. Rachel serves us another short, but fun circuit to get into those abs. Having a strong core is essential for balance and stability whether on the mat or in every day life. If you don't have a pilates...

  • New Videos!

    3 seasons

    In this series, you will find updated videos from all your favorite Invoke instructors. Check in often to see what's new!

  • Keep it Simple- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2)

    Sometimes its just nice to go back to the basics. To really dive deeper into a posture, not feel rushed, and to fulfill each breath. Yvonne brings us simplicity as well as grace in this beautiful class today. Just as a reminder, this class was recored live and with that comes all kinds of challen...

  • Prenatal Friendly Mat Pilates- Contemporary Pilates w/ Rachel (Level 1/2)

    Though this class is for everyone, you'll hear more cues for our human growing friends. Some small weights and a pilates ball will be great for this circuit. Don't have the props? Don't worry, find some soup cans and firm pillow or yoga block. This is a full body workout so get excited. (30 minutes)