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The Yamas- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Jill (Level 2/3)
Level 2/3
There are 5 yamas that are the first limb of the 8 Limbed Path of Yoga. They are known as restraints that we have with ourselves to help us reach our full potential. Each yama has a posture and hand mudra associated with it. See if you can pick up and connect each one with it's corresponding yama. Enjoy! (1 hour)
Ahimsa- Non- Violence (Warrior l w/ Lotus Mudra)
Satya- Truthfulness (Crescent Lunge w/ Kali Mudra)
Asteya- Non- Stealing (Warrior lll w/ Hasta Mudra)
Brahmacharya- Non- Excess (Child's Pose w/ Prana Mudra)
Aparigraha- Non- Possessiveness (Noose Pose w/ Ganesha Mudra)