In this slower paced class, Yvonne focuses on the alignment of the poses to give you a strong foundation for your practice. Perfect for beginnings, Yvonne breaks what each pose should feel like energetically, not necessarily what it should look like. Warrior 2 and Peaceful Warrior will be found as we explore. A block could be useful for this practice. (33 minutes)
Spotify: Yvonne Rodriguez
Up Next in Stress Less
Mid-Day Full Body Flow- Vinyasa Yoga ...
This 30-minute practice is the perfect sequence to get you out of your (work)day and into your body. Move through some simple flows as you build to a bound version of pyramid pose, Parsvottanasana. This class is appropriate for newer practitioners familiar with basic postures (down dog, warrior 2...
All Around Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Broo...
Finding strength in the lower body and ease with the upper, we connect the two finding harmony within. We find all the good stuff in this flow including twists, hamstring stretching and strengthening, hip flexor lengthening, and deep side body extension. (31 1/2 minutes)
Hips and Side Body Focus- Vinyasa Yog...
Today we are hitting hard with just a half hour flow getting into the hips with lunge variations, forward folds, lateral side body stretches and a whole lot of fun. (37 minutes)