Camel Pose Flow- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Jill (Level 1)
Jill Godwin
Let’s move a little slower today to open up the chest and the back. We will be finding and breaking down Ustrasana, camel pose, throughout this flow. Will be finding lots of spaces where we can release, pause, breathe, and become. Make sure to have two blocks handy. (34 minutes)
Up Next in Jill Godwin
Tolasana Variations- Vinyasa Yoga w/ ...
Get ready for a killer arm, abdominal, and pelvic floor flow. We'll definitely be utilizing blocks today so be sure to have some within reach. We will be working to strengthen the core, pelvic floor muscles and arms to lift our bodies into different variations of tolasana, from an L sit to the fu...
Eagle/ Crow Combo- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Ji...
Let's get deep into the hips and wring out the spine. We'll be exploring different yogi squats and twists as well as finding both internal and external rotation of the hips - all culminating into side eagle -- think side crow but with eagle legs! This is sure to be a fun one! (59 minutes)
A blo...
Embracing Change-Vinyasa Yoga w/ Jill...
Jill's flow is all about embracing change. Recorded live in our downtown studios, Jill will lead us through different series of flows that are similar, yet different, allowing ourselves to be ok with the unknown. From revolved triangles and half moons, to a peak space of grasshopper, there is som...