Fire Hydrant Pose- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonne (Level 2/3)
Level 2/3
Hip openers will be found in today's class with lots of playtime for fire hydrant pose and eka pada koundinyasana 2, flying splits pose. Two blocks will be useful as well as an open mind and strong determination. (33 minutes)
Up Next in Level 2/3
L-sit and Asymmetrical Play- Vinyasa ...
We are firing up those hip flexors today. We use blocks to enhance and explore familiar spaces like chaturanga, chair, and lunges. All leading up to some exciting play with lifting the hips and legs off the floor with tolasana variations, dangling pose, and L-sit. Come with an open mind and a pla...
Handstand Play- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Yvonn...
Handstands are what the yoga dealer has in store for us today. Yvonne will guild us through a slow and sweaty flow that builds up to handstands from a low lunge. Lot's of room to play with one legged reverse table tops, forward folds, half moons and all the vinyasa's you could ask for. (76 minutes)
The Yamas- Vinyasa Yoga w/ Jill (Leve...
There are 5 yamas that are the first limb of the 8 Limbed Path of Yoga. They are known as restraints that we have with ourselves to help us reach our full potential. Each yama has a posture and hand mudra associated with it. See if you can pick up and connect each one with it's corresponding yama...